Our only business is to save you time and money. We represent over 100 energy and telecom suppliers. Make one phone call to Avatar or call suppliers. you choose; Avatar Energy Consultants work with you to identify cost savings areas; Lighting, HVAC, equipment surges.
Telecom and Energy Solutions Your Energy and Communication Partner
Live E-Procurement Platform for Gas & Electric
Why Work With Us?
Our only business is to save you time and money. We represent over 100 energy and telecom suppliers. Make one phone call to Avatar or call suppliers. you choose; Avatar Energy Consultants work with you to identify cost savings areas; Lighting, HVAC, equipment surges.
Telecom and Energy Solutions Your Energy and Communication Partner
Live E-Procurement Platform for Gas & Electric
Why Work With Us?
Our only business is to save you time and money. We represent over 100 energy and telecom suppliers. Make one phone call to Avatar or call suppliers. you choose; Avatar Energy Consultants work with you to identify cost savings areas; Lighting, HVAC, equipment surges.
Telecom and Energy Solutions Your Energy and Communication Partner
Live E-Procurement Platform for Gas & Electric
Why Work With Us?
Our only business is to save you time and money. We represent over 100 energy and telecom suppliers. Make one phone call to Avatar or call suppliers. you choose; Avatar Energy Consultants work with you to identify cost savings areas; Lighting, HVAC, equipment surges.